The sole organisation teaching the millennia-old qigong tradition of the Songshan Shaolin temple headed by its 34th supreme grand master, Qin Xiping! Offering tuition and treatment by the award-winner of the best world qigong practitioner prize who hosts a third international qigong conference this year!

Qi Treatment

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External Qi Treatment

In the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), illnesses are considered to arise from imbalance of qi inside the body.

Among us there are people who fall ill and those who don’t even when experiencing the same and disease rates differ between the youth and elderly.
In western medicine falling ill is attributed to one’s impaired immunity due to various reasons such as ageing and fatigue as one factor, but in eastern medicine it is ascribed to imbalance of qi due to various reasons including ageing and fatigue. Nonetheless, if the cause of impaired immunity is considered to be due to perturbed balance of qi, then the cause of disease is the same between western and eastern medicine and the concept of qi may be fundamentally common to both.

It is considered plausible to attain the mind and body immune to disorders by improving the circulation of energy and adjusting the state of equilibrium. For this reason we become healthy as we regularly practise qigong. Then by conducting qi-nurturing training more, we become able to project our energy externally and correct the flow of energy in others.
This way of correcting other person’s flow of energy is called external qi treatment.

Qin Xiping who is the director of our Association (aka Shi Yangping: the 34th supreme grand master of the Songshan Shaolin temple) demonstrated such great talents that he was elected to become the supreme grand master at a young age and on top of the achievement he had continuously conducted hard training beyond imagination within the premises of the Songshan Shaolin temple with 1500 years of history. Nowadays he is not only a leading qigong practitioner in Japan but also across the planet.

In the beginning master Qin came to Japan in the form of a funded international student to Tokyo university, but by a strange twist of fate the master ended up treating many people for more than 15 years. That act of aiding others to heal started with Qin Xiping’s belief to ‘Save people whom he could.’ which he has had since his childhood. Throughout this career, there have been patients who paved the way for miraculous recovery impossible for modern medicine.

People suffering from ill physical/mental health
People who have been told of no available treatment in modern medicine
People wishing to receive alternative therapy in parallel with modern medicine.
People who want to receive treatment for weight reduction and the maintenance of health.

Without questioning the state of a person, it is Qin Xiping’s wish to make people who suffer smile no matter how little and help them live as they should.
Here exists skills to resolve however minor or major a disease is. Please by all means contact us.

Video filmed when master Qin succeeded in tooth extraction by qi projection only for the first time in the world.

Applicable Disorders

Applicable for any disorders/diseases and symptoms including malignant tumour (successful case of improving life expectancy at stage Ⅳ)/viral infections/infectious diseases/respiratory diseases/circulatory diseases/neurological disorders/musculo-skeletal disorders/mental disorders/diet/beauty.

Fees for Healing

First consultation 5000 yen (not charged to participants of qigong classes and martial arts classes or their family members)

Direct Qi Treatment 10000 yen/30 min

Remote Qi Treatment 4000 yen/30 min

Group Qi Treatment  4000 yen/ 30 min

Direct Qi Treatment by Visit (Fees to be negotiated)

Please feel free to contact us. TEL +81 (0)3-6273-8889 Phone:10:00~18:00 on week days

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